Trading Platform enhancement solutions bringing additional functionality for the brokers.
We have many various Trading Platform ready enhancements and utilities developed for M Trading Platform platform, including account and group management, automation solutions. We have also many custom solutions, which are not placed here, so please contact us.
Our solutions will save your time and money.
Trades Notification
Trades Notification Trading Notification application allows sending the email notifications for the different types of operations: balance operations adding pending…
Margin Notification
Margin Notification Margin Notification application allows sending the email for margin call according the specified rules and mail templates. Please contact…
Random Quotes Utility
Random Quotes Utility This utility allows to generate random quotes for Trading Platform. There are different parameters for flat bull…
Read Only Utility
Read Only Utility The utility allows you to set the Read Only for all accounts of a given group, for…
Country Cleaner Utility
Country Cleaner Utility In Trading Software clients are able to enter the country manually. This lead to the mistakes and…
Group Management Utility
Group Management Utility This is a "must have" tool for Platform administrator. It allows quickly enabling or disabling multiple client…
VirtualDealer Cleaner (Comment Removal)
VirtualDealer Custom Cleaner (Comment Removal) This plugin will help to maintain the order comments, made by customers without any changes.…